Dr. Efthymios Balomenos (male) studied Mining and Metallurgical engineering at National Technical University of Athens and received his PhD degree in Thermodynamics in the same school in 2006. Since 2008 he has been working in the Laboratory of Metallurgy as a postdoc researcher focusing on sustainable process development, CO2 mitigation strategies, exergy analysis and resource utilization efficiency. He was involved in the research management of the ENEXAL, the EURARE (FP7) and the ongoing SCALE, ENSUREAL, REMOVAL, BIORECOVER, AlSiCaL, ReActiv (H2020) projects. He has more than 55 research publications in journals and conference proceeding with more than 600 citations and an h-index of 14. Since 2015, he cooperates with MYTILINEOS S.A. on residue valorisation.